Also the famous living
I was surfing the net to find the words to the song" I'll put a spell on you and found a group on line that
have started a project to recreate the "Hocus Pocus Book of Spells"
Well, this was a great idea. I have made all types of books, and their bindings. Embroidered Medieval Covers. French Spines ....why not a Living Book.
I researched the pages and found around 50 of them,'
captured a picture of a Living Book from an on line Book of Spells.
And now to gather the materials for the cover .... several years ago I produced a leather like cover from a paper bag, It truly looked like leather. If, I run across the picture I will post it, and have a ton of clay, tons of inks and paints...so I am on a quest.
Featured on Esty to night will be a smaller ribbon for BOS and has a charm , not a very good picture.
Wishing you a lovely evening and chat soon.
May you walk in the moonlight till the wind sets you free.