Friday, October 7, 2011


Lupus Butterfly

Tree of Seasons Alter Cloth

Hello! Welcome Back!

Today I am displaying a 3D butterfly, I listed this on my Etsy shop and it is a very special butterfly to all that have a loved one or self, as the month of October is Lupus awareness month.

So, this purple butterfly has been made and selected as an item that when purchased the money will be turned in to the Lupus Foundation.

Most of you who have a loved one or perhaps you suffer from a disease that is little known and each and every person suffers differently. At times the suffering goes into remission and you can live a partial normal life, still the fatigued, the aches and pains.

Lupus affects your own body's amune system. When a normal person suffers from an ear ache, your amune antibodies rush to heal, with Lupus, the antibodies are so confused that they attack not only the infection but all of the healing antibodies so that instead of healing the organ that was infected as well as the healthy organs are destroyed.

Back in February I suffered an ear infection, several weeks later, my hearing was gone, and the pressure in my left ear was painful, the result of this infection has taken my hearing and even with a tube placed into my ear for drainage, the ear healed but I could hear just after the surgery and now weeks later, I am left again with the inability to hear. Along with a seeping 24 hours a day.

So Lupus attacks were ever your infection is. Each is individual, I was placed on Steroids several months ago which has helped greatly, with one exception ....weight gain, moon face and a blood red rash on my face.

Sounds great? not so bad for an older person but the ones that suffer are the young ones, they are just starting their college and life,

Well, enough of this, Just mentioning that the purple 3d Butterfly has been listed .
If, you know someone who would love this butterfly please tell them.

The second item listed on Etsy this morning is an offering for the Pagan viewer, an alter cloth of the 4 seasons. As the seasons turn just turn the leaves in fro of the alter to match the seasons.

It is a large 20x20 and in a heavy black cotton. It should last your life time and able to hand down to the next generation.

It is priced as a Sale item, and if you mention this blog . I will offer free shipping to you, Just pay the postage and I will return the postage back to you through Pay Pal.

I must mention the herbs that are in my greenhouses as several of e:mail me with questions of availability, all the poison plants are to divided in a week, but will not be available till the spring.

The passionflower in red, purple and white have just been rooted and also available in the spring,

If you would like to place your name on a list for either one, and also what is available by name, just convoy me and I will tell all.

I wish you happy Friday (french fry Friday for me ....I do not cook on Fridays, hubby brings take away ...hopefully it will be Panda Express this day...fingers crossed) and a productive week end.

As always,

May you walk in the moonlight till the wind sets you free.
