Saturday, November 8, 2008

November in Arizona

Lots of things happening here in Bumblebee Lane Studio. The
cooler weather has inspired me to try and organize this studio..
I did make a little headway, but not it seems like I cannot find anything!
Has this ever happened to you?
This week the U.S. Postal, UPS and Federal Express has been really good to me. Lots of goodies arrived. The first item is .... a X-ACTO paper cutter. No more hurting hands!

Second! I was surfing the net and found a great place for rulers, corner cutters, and well, tools...I ordered this metal ruler
called a Deckle Cutter....Now! I can cheat and cut edges of paper and they look hand torn!
Again, easy on the hands.

This beautiful bloom I picked from my side garden, It it in full bloom in November, Fifteen years ago in Berlin, I broke my elbow and my hubby brought me a flowering plant...a Bulgaria when we arrived in Arizona we planted another, I call this vine "My Broken Arm Vine ".. This year the color is a deeper color....might be due to the plant food? Go figure....

Two new books in the mail .... Art Deco Book bindings The Work of Pierre Legrain, and another bookbinding in a series by Keith A. Smith ... I have been following a blog called My Handmade Books... Her blog is chucked full of great reviews on bookbinding and so far, I have tried to keep up with her. If, interested in bookbinding be sure to visit her shop and it is full of great journals that she has made, and sales.
Also, a really cute item called a Bookmark Notebook, I purchased from another gal on Esty and her shop is just full of clever and cute Paper products...One I love is shown in the picture with the 2 books. Her shop is called Space dog.... If, interested in her products jump over and check it out.

Another item that is of interest that came in about 2 weeks ago is from Amazon and it is the Kindle Reader.....a cool item, I will be explaining it in another blog, if interested in the Kindle, Just scoot over to Amazon and read all about it. Cool!
Another missing item is the weekly Trim from Joellen's Husky Embroidery site,
she was out and about having fun and well, I got the trim a day or so ago but, by the time evening arrives....I am pooped out...But, this week I will be up and running...
as I am tidy ed out! No more of this cleaning stuff....back to the studio to play!
I can smell a faint popcorn odor on the wind so it means that the popcorn is ready and a game of chess awaits me....Might I win one this week? Don't think
As always,
Silvery Moonbeams to watch over you.